From the Blog

How to Create a Powerful Writer’s Quoteby DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMillsWe’ve all read powerful writer quotes that inspire, encourage, and motivate us to work harder for producing a better manuscript. Those quotes can jolt us from writer’s block, personal setbacks, harsh criticism, self-doubt, and a host of other brick walls that prevent us from writing our best. Often, we read a quote about writing and publishing . . . and feel a bit envious. Why didn’t I write that quote? It says exactly how I feel. Dear friend, you can devise a powerful … [ read more ]

  • Soul Care For Weary Creatives – FREE First Aid Kit


    About Edie

    Edie Melson—author, editor and blogger—is a leading professional within the writing industry, as well as a popular instructor and mentor. Her heart to help others define and reach their dreams has connected her with people across the country.

    Now Available

    Soul Care When You’re Grieving

    Publisher: Bold Vision Books

    Available: November 2, 2021

    Page Count: 188

    ISBN: 978-1946708670

    Embracing God, Exploring Creativity

    Soul Care When You’re Grieving
    By Edie Melson

    Grief is difficult. We all experience it—and we experience it differently. There is no right or wrong way to face loss, yet many of us feel we could be coping better. Going through loss narrows my world. I used to believe that was my personal experience, but I’ve discovered that limited perspective happens to us all. I’m praying this book helps you break down the barriers created by grief and helps you engage with the world around you.

    Each chapter contains devotions, prayers and creative exercises. The chapters are designated by the opposite of one of the five experiences of grief. It’s far too easy to be tied to the common misconceptions about grief, so by reframing them, we give ourselves more grace as we process loss. Most of all, I pray you learn to embrace your own process of grief and quit judging whether you’re handling things the way they should be handled. God designed each of us uniquely, and that blueprint includes the way we process loss.

    An Excerpt from Soul Care When You’re Grieving

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