
Publisher: Pelican Book Group
Available: November 4, 2016
Page Count: 264
ISBN: 978-1539893233
Her secret could save the world.After her family is killed in the cleansing, Bethany’s purpose in life has changed. No longer will she be allowed to work to save her dying planet. As a slave, endurance is her goal as she marks each day as one moment closer to an eternity spent reunited with those she loved. But when her planet is invaded, everything changes. Now she must decide either to align herself with those from her planet who condemned her faith and killed her family, or with the warriors who have conquered her world. Ultimately her choice will mean life or death for more than just her planet’s ecosystem. She alone holds the key to a powerful secret, and the fate of the entire galaxy depends on her decision.
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- Great story! I loved the characters and the story-world that Edie Melson creates in this scifi salvation story.Felicia Bowen Bridges Amazon Reviewer
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